(C.japonica), Saml. Curtis, 1820, Monograph on the Genus Camellia, p.2 as ‘Semidouble

Waratah’. Introduced by Captain Rawes for Mr Palmer in 1816. Loudon, 1826, The

Gardeners’ Magazine, vol. 1, p.341 as ‘Rawsiana’: A blossom of a new camellia named

‘Rawsiana’ recently imported from China by T.C. Palmer. It is a deep crimson red colour,

double, with tufted petals in the centre. (As the camellia was named after the Captain Rawes

who brought it from China the correct orthography is Rawesiana.) A full description was

given under the synonym ‘Speciosa’ by Chandler & Booth, 1831, Illustrations & Descriptions

of Camellias,…pl.32 - Flowers of a deeper red than ‘Waratah’ (Anemoniflora), usually 10

cm. across. Outer petals 2.5-3.6 cm in breadth, slightly cordate, generally rounded, a little

recurved and faintly veined, 10-12 placed in 2 rows irregularly, with a few unequal white

blotches. Above these is a set of small, incurved petals like Anemoniflora, which rise upright

and increase in size to the centre. A third set of 8-10 petals, concave and erect, overtops the

last and surrounds another set of incurved petals and has the appearance of one flower

growing out of another. Most petals have an little white stripe at the base. Synonyms: ‘Rawe’s

Plena’, ‘Rawe’s Showy’, ‘Rawe’s Variegated’, ‘Rawe’s Variegated Waratah’, ‘Rawe’s

Striped Waratah’, ‘Speciosa’, ‘Rawesii Vera’, ‘Parksii Vera’, ‘Roseana’, ‘Rozeana’,

‘Roseanum’, ‘Rawesiana Vera’, ‘Roscii’, ‘Rossii’, ‘Ross’s’, ‘Ghiersdaelli’, ‘Palmer Carnation

Waratah’, ‘Giante des Battailles’, ‘Staminea’, ‘Ghiersdaelle’, ‘Staminea Plena’, ‘Park’s Vera’,

‘Staminea Flore Plena’, ‘Greyii Nova’, ‘Large China’, ‘Chinese striped Waratah’, ‘Rawesii’,

‘Reevesi Major’, ‘Waratah de la Chine’, ‘Variegata Chinensis’, Waratah Speciosa’, ‘Raweesii

Speciosa’, ‘Futting’ (now ‘Foding’ = Buddha’s crown) is the old Chinese name for this

cultivar. Orthographic errors: ‘Rawsiana’, ‘Rausiana’, ‘Rawesii’, ‘Roweriana’, ‘Raweriana’,

‘Ravvesiana’, ‘Ravesiana’, ‘Reawesi’, ‘Rawsi’.

(C.japonica), Saml. Curtis, 1820, Monograph on the Genus Camellia,

 p.2 as ‘Semidouble Waratah’. Introduced by Captain Rawes for

Mr Palmer in 1816. Loudon, 1826, The Gardeners’ Magazine, vol. 1,

p.341 as ‘Rawsiana’: A blossom of a new camellia named

‘Rawsiana’ recently imported from China by T.C. Palmer. It is a

deep crimson red colour, double, with tufted petals in the centre.

 (As the camellia was named after the Captain Rawes

who brought it from China the correct orthography is Rawesiana.)

 A full description was given under the synonym ‘Speciosa’ by

Chandler & Booth, 1831, Illustrations & Descriptions

of Camellias,…pl.32 - Flowers of a deeper red than ‘Waratah’

(Anemoniflora), usually 10 cm. across. Outer petals 2.5-3.6 cm in

breadth, slightly cordate, generally rounded, a little

recurved and faintly veined, 10-12 placed in 2 rows irregularly,

 with a few unequal white blotches. Above these is a set

of small, incurved petals like Anemoniflora, which rise upright

and increase in size to the centre. A third set of 8-10 petals,

 concave and erect, overtops the last and surrounds another

set of incurved petals and has the appearance of one flower

growing out of another. Most petals have an little white stripe

at the base. Synonyms: ‘Rawe’s Plena’, ‘Rawe’s Showy’, ‘Rawe’s Variegated’,

‘Rawe’s Variegated Waratah’, ‘Rawe’s Striped Waratah’, ‘Speciosa’,

 ‘Rawesii Vera’, ‘Parksii Vera’, ‘Roseana’, ‘Rozeana’,

‘Roseanum’, ‘Rawesiana Vera’, ‘Roscii’, ‘Rossii’, ‘Ross’s’,

‘Ghiersdaelli’, ‘Palmer Carnation Waratah’, ‘Giante des Battailles’,

‘Staminea’, ‘Ghiersdaelle’, ‘Staminea Plena’, ‘Park’s Vera’,

‘Staminea Flore Plena’, ‘Greyii Nova’, ‘Large China’, ‘Chinese

 striped Waratah’, ‘Rawesii’, ‘Reevesi Major’, ‘Waratah de la Chine’,

‘Variegata Chinensis’, Waratah Speciosa’, ‘Raweesii

Speciosa’, ‘Futting’ (now ‘Foding’ = Buddha’s crown) is the

old Chinese name for this cultivar. Orthographic errors: ‘Rawsiana’,

‘Rausiana’, ‘Rawesii’, ‘Roweriana’, ‘Raweriana’,

‘Ravvesiana’, ‘Ravesiana’, ‘Reawesi’, ‘Rawsi’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register