(C.japonica), Franchetti, 1855, Collezione di Camelie, p.6: Large flower, imbricated in

tiers, bright red, central petals sometimes striped white. Verschaffelt, 1856, Nouvelle

Iconographie, Book XI, pl.III: The blossom, of medium size, is composed of ample petals,

regularly imbricated in star shaped serries, except those of the circumference which are spiral.

The colouring is cherry-pink with a few longitudinal white stripes. Originated in Italy by

Scarlatti. Orthographic errors: ‘Michel Angelo’, ‘Michael Angelo’, ‘Michaelangelo’, ‘Michel

Ange’, ‘Michele Angelo’, ‘Michelangiolo’, ‘Micheli-Angelo’.

(C.japonica), Franchetti, 1855, Collezione di Camelie, p.6:

Large flower, imbricated in tiers, bright red, central petals sometimes

striped white. Verschaffelt, 1856, Nouvelle Iconographie, Book XI,

pl.III:  The blossom, of medium size, is composed of ample petals,

regularly imbricated in star shaped serries, except those of the circumference

which are spiral. The colouring is cherry-pink with a few longitudinal white

stripes. Originated in Italy by Scarlatti. Orthographic errors: ‘Michel Angelo’,

‘Michael Angelo’, ‘Michaelangelo’, ‘Michel

Ange’, ‘Michele Angelo’, ‘Michelangiolo’, ‘Micheli-Angelo’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register