(C.japonica), Rinz, 1835, Gardening Magazine, vol.11, p.544: Particularly

remarkable for its violet colour and beautifully shaped, abundant flowers. Van Houtte

Catalogue, 1841, 7:21: Brilliant except for its foliage. Its flowers, of the most delicate pink,

are a charming rosette. Berlèse, 1843, Iconographie, vol.3, pl.296: Flower 10-11 cm across;

full, rosiform, regular, of an deep, orange-red violet, which diminishes in intensity as the

bloom matures. The petals are ample, rounded, numerous, in 5-6 rows, notched and

imbricated. Those of the centre are of diverse forms, close-set, much smaller than the first,

disposed irregularly; sometimes nevertheless, imbricated following those of the

circumference. Originated by J. Rinz, Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany. Mertens & Fontaine,

Collection de cent espèces.....camellia, 1845, pl.82, and giving the origin as the United

Kingdom. Synonyms: ‘Exuberans’, ‘Violacea Plenissima’. Abbreviation: ‘Violacea’.

Orthographic errors: ‘Violacia’, ‘Violacia Superba’.

FOGLIA:  medio grande, tondeggiante, convessa, dentata. Fioritura in medio mperiodo.


(C.japonica), Rinz, 1835, Gardening Magazine, vol.11, p.544: Particularly

remarkable for its violet colour and beautifully shaped, abundant flowers. Van Houtte

Catalogue, 1841, 7:21: Brilliant except for its foliage. Its flowers, of the most delicate pink,

are a charming rosette. Berlèse, 1843, Iconographie, vol.3, pl.296: Flower 10-11 cm across;

full, rosiform, regular, of an deep, orange-red violet, which diminishes in intensity as the

bloom matures. The petals are ample, rounded, numerous, in 5-6 rows, notched and

imbricated. Those of the centre are of diverse forms, close-set, much smaller than the first,

disposed irregularly; sometimes nevertheless, imbricated following those of the

circumference. Originated by J. Rinz, Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany. Mertens & Fontaine,

Collection de cent espèces.....camellia, 1845, pl.82, and giving the origin as the United

Kingdom. Synonyms: ‘Exuberans’, ‘Violacea Plenissima’. Abbreviation: ‘Violacea’.

Orthographic errors: ‘Violacia’, ‘Violacia Superba’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register   
Extracts from: International Camelia Register