(C.japonica), Berlèse, 1840, Monographie, ed.2, pp.178, 233: as ‘Vespucius’: Leaves, 9.5 cm

long x 6 cm wide, long acuminate, prominent venation, large serrations, dull green. Flower 9.5

cm across, cherry-red, numerous petals, serried, disposed in fascicles. The outer row are dark

cherry-red, the others are very light coloured, becoming delicate rose towards the centre. Trillon

Le Mans Nursery Catalogue, 1843, p.9: Red, variegated white, tightly massed in clusters.

Van Houtte Catalogue, 1843-1844, 12:eee as ‘Vespuzio’. No description. Originated in Italy

by Mariani. Orthographic errors: ‘Vesovio’, ‘Vespazio’, ‘Vespuci’, ‘Vespucii’, ‘Vespuzzi’,

‘Vespazio’, ‘Vespuccius’, ‘Vespucci’.

FOGLIA:  medio grande, tondeggiante, convessa, dentata. Fioritura in medio mperiodo.


(C.japonica), Berlèse, 1840, Monographie, ed.2, pp.178, 233: as ‘Vespucius’: Leaves, 9.5 cm

long x 6 cm wide, long acuminate, prominent venation, large serrations, dull green. Flower 9.5

cm across, cherry-red, numerous petals, serried, disposed in fascicles. The outer row are dark

cherry-red, the others are very light coloured, becoming delicate rose towards the centre. Trillon

Le Mans Nursery Catalogue, 1843, p.9: Red, variegated white, tightly massed in clusters.

Van Houtte Catalogue, 1843-1844, 12:eee as ‘Vespuzio’. No description. Originated in Italy

by Mariani. Orthographic errors: ‘Vesovio’, ‘Vespazio’, ‘Vespuci’, ‘Vespucii’, ‘Vespuzzi’,

‘Vespazio’, ‘Vespuccius’, ‘Vespucci’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register