(C.japonica), Harrison, ed., 1838, Floricultural Cabinet, p.149: Double, rose mottled.

Berlèse, 1840, Monographie, ed.2, pp.203, 235 as ‘Lady Henriette’: Also Mertens &

Fontaine, Collection de cent espèces.....camellia, 1845, pl. 65 as ‘Lady Henriette’. Flower of

over 8 cm across, full, soft white stripes with some marks and longitudinal lines of deep rose

or pale cerise; corolla regular, round, with the centre a little elevated, but erect; exterior petals

in many rows, broad, oval, entire, thick, elegantly displayed; those of the interior are very

small, less imbricated, of a small number, and forming a heart, curled and shell-like: there are

stripes of rose or red. Similar form to Lineata. Orthographic variant: ‘Lady Henriette’.

Originated in England.

Lady Henriette. van Houtte Catalogue, 1839, 1:5. Orthographic variant for Lady Henrietta.

Lady Henriette. Trillon, 1845, Catalogue, p.5: Bright red. Well made. Synonym for Belle


(C.japonica), Harrison, ed., 1838, Floricultural Cabinet, p.149: Double, rose mottled.

Berlèse, 1840, Monographie, ed.2, pp.203, 235 as ‘Lady Henriette’: Also Mertens &

Fontaine, Collection de cent espèces.....camellia, 1845, pl. 65 as ‘Lady Henriette’. Flower of

over 8 cm across, full, soft white stripes with some marks and longitudinal lines of deep rose

or pale cerise; corolla regular, round, with the centre a little elevated, but erect; exterior petals

in many rows, broad, oval, entire, thick, elegantly displayed; those of the interior are very

small, less imbricated, of a small number, and forming a heart, curled and shell-like: there are

stripes of rose or red. Similar form to Lineata. Orthographic variant: ‘Lady Henriette’.

Originated in England.

Lady Henriette. van Houtte Catalogue, 1839, 1:5. Orthographic variant for Lady Henrietta.

Lady Henriette. Trillon, 1845, Catalogue, p.5: Bright red. Well made. Synonym for Belle


Extracts from: International Camelia Register  
Extracts from: International Camelia Register