(C.japonica), Van Houtte Catalogue, 1843-1844, 12:xx: Petals cup-like,

extremely large. Burnier & Grilli Catalogue, 1846-1847: Petals very large, centre peony form.

Vivid rose, magnificent. Originated in Italy. Orthographic errors: ‘Grappo di Salomone’,

‘Groppo di Salomone’.

Guaiguai. Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification....Outstanding Camellias, p.418; Chinese synonym

for the USA C.japonica My Darling.

(C.japonica), Van Houtte Catalogue, 1843-1844, 12:xx: Petals cup-like,

extremely large. Burnier & Grilli Catalogue, 1846-1847: Petals very large, centre peony form.

Vivid rose, magnificent. Originated in Italy. Orthographic errors: ‘Grappo di Salomone’,

‘Groppo di Salomone’.

Guaiguai. Gao, Jiyin, 2007, The Identification....Outstanding Camellias, p.418; Chinese synonym

for the USA C.japonica My Darling.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register