(C.reticulata hybr.), American Camellia Yearbook, 1971, p.44, Reg. No.1129: A hybrid

seedling cross of C.x williamsii Donation x C.reticulata ‘Crimson Robe’, (Dataohong),

originated by L.W. Ruffin, Mississippi, USA. Plant growth is compact and upright with

medium size, dark green, glossy leaves that average 8 cm long by 4 cm wide. The 11 cm by 4

cm flower is rose form to formal double. It never shows stamens. The flower is dark red with

a silvery sheen. All 130-140 petals are sharply incurved down and have a small, narrow,

picotee edging of real black on each petal. First bloomed 1965. Blooms mid-season to late.

Sports: Black Lace Peony, Black Lace Variegated. Chinese synonym: ‘Heirongdai’.

FOGLIA:  medio grande, tondeggiante, convessa, dentata. Fioritura in medio mperiodo.


(C.reticulata hybr.), American Camellia Yearbook, 1971, p.44, Reg. No.1129: A hybrid

seedling cross of C.x williamsii Donation x C.reticulata ‘Crimson Robe’, (Dataohong),

originated by L.W. Ruffin, Mississippi, USA. Plant growth is compact and upright with

medium size, dark green, glossy leaves that average 8 cm long by 4 cm wide. The 11 cm by 4

cm flower is rose form to formal double. It never shows stamens. The flower is dark red with

a silvery sheen. All 130-140 petals are sharply incurved down and have a small, narrow,

picotee edging of real black on each petal. First bloomed 1965. Blooms mid-season to late.

Sports: Black Lace Peony, Black Lace Variegated. Chinese synonym: ‘Heirongdai’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register