(C.japonica), Luzzatti, 1851, Collezione di Camelie, p.6: Flower large, perfectly

imbricated, red to dark rose, a paler rosy centre. Rovelli Catalogue, 1852, p.12: Imbricated in

the form of Bealei, but a little larger and paler in the centre. Originated in Italy. Orthographic

errors: ‘Bella Lamberty’, ‘Belle Lamberti’, ‘Bella Lamberthii’, ‘Belle Lambert’, ‘Bella

Lambert’, ‘Bella Lamberti’.

Bella Lamberty. de Bisschop Catalogue, 1957. Orthographic error for Bella Lambertii.

(C.japonica), Luzzatti, 1851, Collezione di Camelie, p.6: Flower large, perfectly

imbricated, red to dark rose, a paler rosy centre. Rovelli Catalogue, 1852, p.12: Imbricated in

the form of Bealei, but a little larger and paler in the centre. Originated in Italy. Orthographic

errors: ‘Bella Lamberty’, ‘Belle Lamberti’, ‘Bella Lamberthii’, ‘Belle Lambert’, ‘Bella

Lambert’, ‘Bella Lamberti’.

Bella Lamberty. de Bisschop Catalogue, 1957. Orthographic error for Bella Lambertii.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register