(C.japonica), Andrew’s Botanical Repository, 1:pl.25, 1797, as ‘Flore Plena Albo’. Listed

again in the 1812 Botanical Repository, vol.10, pl.660; Loddige’s Catalogue, 1814 as ‘Alba

Pleno’ and in their 1822 Catalogue as ‘Alba Plena’. The cultivar was brought to England from

China in 1792, by Captain John Corner on the East Indiaman, "Carnatic", for the ship’s

principal owner, Gilbert Slater. (Farrington, 1999, Catalogue of East India Company Ships’

Journals and Logs 1600-1834, p.105, and Journal and Log of “Carnatic” in the British

Library, London). It was taken to USA by Floy in 1800 for John Stevens, New Jersey. The

camellia bears a full double, symmetrically imbricated (formal), medium to large size, white

flower, showing no stamens and opening flat. It is about 10 cm across and 3.5cm deep. The

petals decrease in size towards the centre. A medium to slow grower with light green foliage,

leaves ovate. sometimes twisted and turned down at the apex. Sports include: Fimbriata, Mrs

Hooper Connell, Mattie R, and Blush Plena. Synonyms: ‘Nankin-shiro’, ‘Da Bai’,

‘Baiyupei’, ‘Baiyang Cha’, ‘Qiayebai’, ‘Napkin Bai’, ‘Baichahua’, ‘Bourbon Camellia’,

‘Double White’, ‘Old White’, ‘Old Double White’, ‘French White’, ‘Thousand Petalled

White’, ‘Alba Plena Improved’, ‘Alba Plena Late’, ‘Il Cygno’(Hearn), ‘Alba Pleno’, ‘Alba

Plena Ancien’, Alba Plena Imbricata’. See colour photo p.68, Macoboy, 1981, Colour

Dictionary of Camellias. Originated in China.

Alba Plena Ancien. Trillon, Le Mans Nursery Catalogue, 1843, p.3. Synonym for Alba Plena.

Alba Plena (Casoretti). Verschaffelt, 1849, Nouvelle Iconographie, book VIII, pl.2. Orthographic

variant for Alba Plena di Casoretti. Orthographic errors: ‘Alba Plena Cassoreti’, ‘Alba Pleno

Casoretti’, ‘Alba Plena Cassoretti’.

(C.japonica), Andrew’s Botanical Repository, 1:pl.25, 1797, as ‘Flore Plena Albo’. Listed

again in the 1812 Botanical Repository, vol.10, pl.660; Loddige’s Catalogue, 1814 as ‘Alba

Pleno’ and in their 1822 Catalogue as ‘Alba Plena’. The cultivar was brought to England from

China in 1792, by Captain John Corner on the East Indiaman, "Carnatic", for the ship’s

principal owner, Gilbert Slater. (Farrington, 1999, Catalogue of East India Company Ships’

Journals and Logs 1600-1834, p.105, and Journal and Log of “Carnatic” in the British

Library, London). It was taken to USA by Floy in 1800 for John Stevens, New Jersey. The

camellia bears a full double, symmetrically imbricated (formal), medium to large size, white

flower, showing no stamens and opening flat. It is about 10 cm across and 3.5cm deep. The

petals decrease in size towards the centre. A medium to slow grower with light green foliage,

leaves ovate. sometimes twisted and turned down at the apex. Sports include: Fimbriata, Mrs

Hooper Connell, Mattie R, and Blush Plena. Synonyms: ‘Nankin-shiro’, ‘Da Bai’,

‘Baiyupei’, ‘Baiyang Cha’, ‘Qiayebai’, ‘Napkin Bai’, ‘Baichahua’, ‘Bourbon Camellia’,

‘Double White’, ‘Old White’, ‘Old Double White’, ‘French White’, ‘Thousand Petalled

White’, ‘Alba Plena Improved’, ‘Alba Plena Late’, ‘Il Cygno’(Hearn), ‘Alba Pleno’, ‘Alba

Plena Ancien’, Alba Plena Imbricata’. See colour photo p.68, Macoboy, 1981, Colour

Dictionary of Camellias. Originated in China.

Alba Plena Ancien. Trillon, Le Mans Nursery Catalogue, 1843, p.3. Synonym for Alba Plena.

Alba Plena (Casoretti). Verschaffelt, 1849, Nouvelle Iconographie, book VIII, pl.2. Orthographic

variant for Alba Plena di Casoretti. Orthographic errors: ‘Alba Plena Cassoreti’, ‘Alba Pleno

Casoretti’, ‘Alba Plena Cassoretti’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register  
Extracts from: International Camelia Register