(C.hiemalis), American Association of Nurserymen, 1957, p.37, Plant Patent

No.1539, granted to Rene Casadaban, Abita Springs, Louisiana, USA, originator. American

Camellia Yearbook, 1959, Reg. No. 424, colour pl. ‘F’, p.178: A 9 year old seedling of

Hinode-gumo x Shôwa-no-sakae with an upright, compact habit and rapid growth. The dark

green leaves are 5 cm. x 2 cm. The flower, Rose Bengal in colour (Pl.2 5/1 Wilson), average

8-10 cm across x 5 cm deep with aproximately 39 petals, intermingled with petaloids and

stamens. Early blooming. See colour photo, back cover, ACRS., 1982, Camellia News, No.83.

Selected as the ‘All-America’ Camellia for 1960.

FOGLIA:  medio grande, tondeggiante, convessa, dentata. Fioritura in medio mperiodo.


(C.hiemalis), American Association of Nurserymen, 1957, p.37, Plant Patent

No.1539, granted to Rene Casadaban, Abita Springs, Louisiana, USA, originator. American

Camellia Yearbook, 1959, Reg. No. 424, colour pl. ‘F’, p.178: A 9 year old seedling of

Hinode-gumo x Shôwa-no-sakae with an upright, compact habit and rapid growth. The dark

green leaves are 5 cm. x 2 cm. The flower, Rose Bengal in colour (Pl.2 5/1 Wilson), average

8-10 cm across x 5 cm deep with aproximately 39 petals, intermingled with petaloids and

stamens. Early blooming. See colour photo, back cover, ACRS., 1982, Camellia News, No.83.

Selected as the ‘All-America’ Camellia for 1960.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register