(C.sasanqua). ICS 1992, International Camellia Journal, No.23, p.100:

Originated by Marta Spertini, Floricultura, Lago Maggiore, Cerro Di Laveno, Italy. Medium

size flower, 6-8 cm across x 1-1.5 cm deep, loose semi-double with some central petaloids.

15-20 notched, somewhat wavy petals and a short, spreading stamen cluster with yellow

anthers and white filaments. Colour rose pink (RHS.CC.55A). Flowers shatter easily and

bloom early. Leaves glossy mid-green, flat, elliptic with serrate margins, 4-6 cm long x 2-3.5

cm wide. Plant growth is upright and rapid. First flowered 1981. A seedling of unknown

parents from Lago Maggiore, Italy. Synonym ‘F.L.M. Presidente Antonio Sevesi’.

FOGLIA:  medio grande, tondeggiante, convessa, dentata. Fioritura in medio mperiodo.


(C.sasanqua). ICS 1992, International Camellia Journal, No.23, p.100:

Originated by Marta Spertini, Floricultura, Lago Maggiore, Cerro Di Laveno, Italy. Medium

size flower, 6-8 cm across x 1-1.5 cm deep, loose semi-double with some central petaloids.

15-20 notched, somewhat wavy petals and a short, spreading stamen cluster with yellow

anthers and white filaments. Colour rose pink (RHS.CC.55A). Flowers shatter easily and

bloom early. Leaves glossy mid-green, flat, elliptic with serrate margins, 4-6 cm long x 2-3.5

cm wide. Plant growth is upright and rapid. First flowered 1981. A seedling of unknown

parents from Lago Maggiore, Italy. Synonym ‘F.L.M. Presidente Antonio Sevesi’.

Extracts from: International Camelia Register
Extracts from: International Camelia Register